My daughter Cynthia is really fond of sweet things. If I'm around, I will make sure she doesn't eat too much sweets, ice-cream or junk food. I told her many times that sweet things can give tooth ache if it's not clean properly by brushing. But yesterday, my MIL complained to us that our 2nd daughter was caught eating sugar in the kitchen..yes sugar which you mix with coffee, Milo or your cup of tea! I was quite upset by her act and I have to find solution fast to make her NOT eating sweet things too much. So far, she has no problem with her teeth except her sister Ruth who will turn eight this year. She is beginning to 'depart' with her most front baby tooth and dislike sweet things compared to Cynthia.
Back to Cynthia, I asked her why she ate the sugar..she slowly open her mouth and said..because I could not find any sweets inside the fridge! (slap my forehead) I further explained that she could not eat the sugar as it's only use to mix with hot drinks and it's not suitable to eat just like that! (sigh) I really hope my girl won't be scooping sugar from container again..what a sight ya! My girls spend their afternoon after school at my PIL, perhaps I should ask MIL to keep the sugar container on top shelves.. (sigh again)