02 June, 2008

It's your Birthday!

The baby in the family has finally grown up, Happy 16th Birthday dear brother Aaron!Yesterday we managed to cut a cake to mark his birthday but we were a little 2 days late as the actual day was on the 30th May. Anyway, never too late as long as we remember right? Butter walnut as his favourite cake and here is a 2kg Butter Walnut just for him haha...

And oh..what about my kids? Yes they were so excited and can't even wait for their uncle to cut the cake. While Ruth, Cynthia, hubby and mum sang the birthday song, Isaac slipped in between them wondering what on earth with the singing and a big round thing with candles on it! He looked puzzled for a second when Aaron blew out the candles. Anyway, everyone had a big slice each and especially my girls with lots of cream on tops. We always love and proud of you Aaron for whatever God's plan for you ahead may it will be a happy life and good health always, once again...

*compliment to Clare Mumpin for her delicious cake


LadyJava said...

Happy Birthday Aaron!

Carolyn, don't worry. I always say better late than never...heheh

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Aaron.. so fast kan.. the next thing you know he will be going to college/university...

Carolyn said...

yes, they grow fast till i banyak beruban suda nii haha..