18 April, 2008


Hubby lost his handphone on his way to the airport about 4.30am today. I received his call this morning from KL informing me about the matter. I even reminded him to check his wallet, handphone and air ticket all in his backpack before he left the house...this is the second lost ...hmmm @#%?/!
So tomorrow morning, have to pick up the new SIM card from DIGI. Maybe just buy a cheap-cheap handphone lah...so if its missing or stolen again..at least tidak sakit hati lo.....


Anonymous said...

Aww.. sorry for the lost. :(

My partner tend to lost his handphone too. Just few months ago, he went for a coffee with his friend, text me, asking if I needed anything. Few hours later, he came back telling me he left his phone on the table at the cafe. It was a RM2k phone. Eii.. sakitnya hati aku, tho it's not mine. ..

Carolyn said...

ya bah, bikin sakit hati ja :-/
told him already to buy cheap hp coz he always misplace it, otherwise i'll get him the plastic mainan hp hehehe..